
Imamo detalje nove Assassin’s Creed Origins ekspanzije

Assassin’s Creed Origins krajem mjeseca dobiva novu ekspanziju naziva The Hidden Ones. Iako neki ne žele upropastiti izazove i događaje koji ih čekaju u ovoj dodatnoj pustolovini, mnogi su već sada zainteresirani za više detalja. Ako ste vi jedni od njih, današnja objavljena lista trofeja za igru mogla bi biti iznimno korisna. Lista sadrži one predvidljive izazove, ali i one puno teže trofeje koji svojim opisom već nagovješćuju razna iznenađenja u igri, zato još jednom upozoravamo da pristupite listi s oprezom.

Brončani trofeji

What Time is It?
Perform a leap of faith from Arsinoe’s sundial obelisk between 10 am and noon (The Hidden Ones)
Zip it Off
Perform 3 Assassinations from a zipline (The Hidden Ones)
Prison Break
Free 20 Rebels (The Hidden Ones)
Team Play
Kill an enemy with a headshot while they are being harassed by Senu (The Hidden Ones)

Srebrni trofeji

Walls of the Ruler
Complete the Walls-of-the-Ruler citadel (The Hidden Ones)
Surgical Strikes
Assassinate Tacito, Ptahmose and Ampelius (The Hidden Ones)
New Recruits
Complete Side DLC Quests “Rise of Shaqilat” and “Shadows of the Scarab” (The Hidden Ones)
The Greater Good
Complete Main DLC Quest “The Greater Good” (The Hidden Ones)