

Deset osoba kojima je u izolaciji sigurno puno gore nego vama

Problemi u karantinu

“Buzzfeed” je prikupio galeriju fotografija ljudi “kojima je u izolaciji sigurno gore nego vama”. Stoga, ako vam je teško u izolaciji, sjetite se samo…

1. Da još uvijek imate TV.

1st day of family quarantine…TV dies… from Wellthatsucks

2. I možete napraviti večeru.

No spaghetti tonight… from Wellthatsucks

3. Da vam se nije dogodilo ovo.

I guess our dog doesn’t know what’s happening in our grocery stores right now from Wellthatsucks

4. Da nemate staklo za večeru.

Just six hungry people waiting on a casserole at 8:00pm from Wellthatsucks

5. Nije vam eksplodirao sudoper.

My sink exploded. from Wellthatsucks

6. Imate kupaonicu.


Governor just ordered all “non life sustaining” businesses to close, including construction and contractors. This is the current state of my only bathroom… from Wellthatsucks

7. I funkcionalne tanjure.

Trying to have a plate of ramen from Wellthatsucks

8. Možete na WC.

Day two of captivity and my son clogged the toilet. Then this. from Wellthatsucks

9. Ne morate kopati po mačjim govnima. 

Cats knocked over every single one of my makeup brushes this morning… into their freshly shat in litter box :)) from Wellthatsucks

10. Nije vam se dogodilo ovo.

Lost his blueberries. from Wellthatsucks